Thursday, August 25, 2005

the 10th entry

so on the auspicious occasion of my tenth blog entry, i present to you a poem i wrote way back in 2001, was in grade 8 or 9 ;) ..not a very good one but back then i thought it was really good ...the 3rd stanza is the worst and the others follow closely. feel free to comment harshly on the poem.. i wrote the whole thing in one short sitting just because i wanted to send SOMETHING to ! and surprisingly enough i got an 'editor's choice award' certificate thing from the website!! i've never submitted anything else since... realizin what a phony it was! all they want to do is get your poem published in a book (no matter how crappy the poem is), and have you buy the book!

here's the certificate: haha.. i wouldn't have given it to myself!

and finally, the poem itself,

Hunting Season

The woodland is dark and eerily quiet
Except for the chirping birds, the trees
Crunching of the dry leaves under his foot
And the rustling of leaves in the breeze

Along the familiar trodden path
The hunter makes his way alone
Making not the slightest noise
A ritual for years he has known

He stands erect, listening hard
Then turns his head towards his right
Oh! There it stands, a female deer
So splendid even in such dim light

Raising his rifle to the level of his ear
He pulls the trigger letting a shot ring out
The doe so lovely, falls down at the spot
It lives no more; it's dead without doubt

Another deer dead in the season's dawn
And another one left a motherless fawn

thanks for the patience... ;)


Zameera said...

cool poem...

AR said...

thanks! :)

Anonymous said...

Poignant poem. No wonder you got the “editor’s choice award.” Cheers!Some more cheers! Isn’t it nice to have that certificate in such a young age? *Round of applause*

AR said...

well yea, but i didn't feel like i truly deserved it! i only like the last stanza of the poem and the first stanza to some extent. thanks anyway. you can hold the applause now! ;)

Rhiannon said...

Hi, I saw a comment you made on another blog so checked yours out. I just had to laugh at your post for I got one of those editor choice awards from them for a poem also then realized its all a crock, what you said is true about them. Then they want you to buy books and fly to all these "get togethers" and pay for the air fare and the hotel etc..a lot apparently go..are they so niave? I did however have a hand written comment on my (ahem) "award" by a "C.S." commenting how "wonderfully expressive" my poem was and they also wanted to put it in the "sound of poetry" where someone reads it aloud. Well I figure it might be the only poem award I may ever get so I proudly framed it and put it on the wall. "Crock" and all who cares? I still feel I achieved something for myself and contributed something to the world anyway. Hey your poem is not bad, but I love deers so its so sad..oops! that rhymes doesn't it?;o) I hope you will check out my blog maybe sometime.

You have great eyes!...very soulful...good pic.

Angel Blessings,

AR said...

haha. yea, they do spam you with all sorts of mail. i did receive that 'sound of poetry' thing as well! hehe. and that extra large award cup that would need an extra suitcase to carry!! lol.
and thanks.. will check our ur blog now!