it's raining heavily outside, complete with thunder and lightning. oh and i got this picture of kathmandu city from Google Earth. that grayish blue patch towards the right bottom of the pic is the Kathmandu valley... that's the entire capital city..so you can imagine the sizes of the surrounding hills and mountains.
also i've been doin some blog hopping, or blogopping, and found some interesting blogs. found that so many had spam comments as well! thank god i've none yet.. hope there'll be none too or i'll have to include that word verification thing for comments.. which isn't very cool. so stay away spam..
nothin really interesting happened today... so i'll use the rest of this space to recap on my cosmology study. ;) uninterested can stop right here. c ya.
ok, the rest of you nerds.. long before Newton put forward his theories of gravity, how did scientists explain the falling of objects straight to the ground? ... they believed it was because the earth was stationary! and so the earth must be in the center of the solar system. oh, if only i could go back in time and teach them a thing or two about the universe! lol...
now for something more intellectual: before the big bang, everything was concentrated in one tiny spot, time and space included. so what was around that spot? nothing. absolutely nothing. no space... no time.. just nothing. it's so darn confusing.. .how can nothing exist? think about it.. and leave your comments!
the end... entry self destructing in 3...2...1... oh.. malfunctioned again.. c ya tomorrow then!
edit: chelsea vs arsenal game tonite... can't miss it!!!! GO BLUES!!!
edit2: CHELSEA WON!!!! wooohoooo!! ... 1-0 GO BLUES!!!
Gwaad, how in the world do u get consmology into ur head?
Lol….how can nothing exist… u mean nothing? Just space, space and some more space that would be boring! But you said that there isn’t any space too then what in the world is there? Just black all around? Well let us say turquoise, because that is my favourite colour.
it's not even black.. no empty blackness. just nothing. non-existence.. a very confusin subject.
and different ppl have their own views. if u like to think of nothing as bein turquoise, so be it! ;)
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