haha... as u can see, i've nothin better to do tonite! n for those of you who are a little too gullible... i was just kiddin with the whole bugs thing!! lol. n yea, it's the eve of a 3-day weekend... wooohooo!!
anythin interestin happen today? umm... oh yea. not too interestin but i'll write it down anyway.. i was playing basketball at school today, when one of my opponents grabbed my shirt as i was runnin to get the ball... n three of the buttons from my shirt were ripped right off! darn. had to walk around holdin my shirt together in place!!....well, until a fren came up with an idea... staple my shirt together! but bad luck didn't want to let go of me just yet.. no one had a stapler! so had to run around for quite some time until i found one in the accounts room! and did the stapler work?...........yea, it did. thank god..... alright.. this is boring..
moving on, .. darn there's nothin to move on to. i'll just have to sign off now...
congrats for makin it to the end of this entry!.. :) so long... until tomorrow!
p.s. wabbit = rabbit, jus that wabbit sounds better. and special thanks to my sis for lettin me shoot her wabbit! :)
halo braindead...nice to meet u..
wabbit...i love it..hihihi..
hi rosy.. u've a nice blog too, but with one major flaw: it's written in a language i can't understand :P
anyway, thanks for dropping by..
gee, braindead. you sure know how to live. i can't think of a better way to spend one's day than to go around investigating the source a newspaper typo- how very hitchcock, how sherlock. oh, i thought the other 400 typos in the paper were real gems too..i bet you can't wait to investigate those. i never knew this kind of activity could be so exciting. thank you for showing me.
just so you know, anonymous, you posted your comment in the wrong entry. but it doesn't matter i guess.
and since i've shown you how excitin it can be to investigate typos, why don't you try playing sherlock for the next 400? should be exciting don't u think? ;) thanks
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