Friday, November 04, 2011

Hello again!

So here I am, over 2 years since my last post, and over 6 since my first. I actually had to count again to make sure it was actually 6! It's hard to believe that teenage kid 6 years ago thought about starting a blog and actually did a decent job keeping it up on a regular basis, before the adult me stepped in and decided I didn't have the time to keep a blog! But thinking about the time I just spent watching another episode of House, I could easily have taken my fingers to the keys (a not-as-poetic way of saying pen to paper) and written another post.

I don't have a topic in mind today. Well I do have random thoughts, random observations I made during the day, but not sure any of those couldn't be described in little more than a couple of sentences. Hardly post-worthy. Of course I could try and be more creative with it, but if I wanted to put that much effort into it, might as well write an article for a newspaper. I feel like my style for this blog has always been impulsive, free-flowing and informal. It's nice to be able to write anything you want, any way you want. This is the way I enjoy writing, and in any case, who but me reads this blog.. right? right??

I want a dog. A nice big german shepard. But I wish dogs didn't poop. I can't imagine myself having to follow a dog around everyday with a doggy bag waiting anxiously for it to take a dump. I've never had a dog, but I think that part of the job description for dog ownership kinda sucks. Although everyone who's had a dog says its worth it, and it must be!

I saw a completely white jet without any livery yesterday. I thought it was kinda odd.

See? What did I say about random observations that don't warrant more than a couple of sentences! Maybe I'll dedicate a future post to just random observations I make. Things just slightly out of the ordinary, but not interesting enough to otherwise be written about. That could be interesting! The blog has been revived, and I hope to have stuff to write about on a regular basis.

For now though, my body's crying to get back to the boring, but necessary, activity of sleep. So I bid adieu, people of the interwebs!


Sleepy Shadow said...

I've had a dog... Dogs, actually. at least 7. One of them, a German Shepard. The front half of the body is okay, it's the back half you'd rather do without. Maybe you could use a diaper on the dog. But then, everyone would think it is sick and/or old. Of course, it would be a better deterrent for trespassers... Who wants to get bit by a sick dog?

AR said...

And changing a dog's diaper wouldn't be too pleasant either, huh!

Guffadi said...

Welcome Back...

Unknown said...

A dog that doesn't poop is on my wishlist. I too write things out of blue. Just to rant and not lose the habit of writing. Why did you stop blogging anyway?

AR said...

@Anandeeta I got boring :(

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