Wednesday, January 21, 2009

obama, and the usual

obama! yep, he's the reason i skipped writing my blog yesterday. excited for him, and for the end of the bush regime. i wish there was as much enthusiasm for the nepali leaders. but in our country we have a who leader threatens to wage a war against his own people! i definitely hope there will come a day when we can be proud of our leader, a leader who actually represents the people rather than the interests of the various parties.

moving on. today i finally worked out the postponement of my test on friday! only after i produced a letter convincing my professor that it was not simply an attempt to get extra time for the test that he agreed to let me take it next week instead. which means, i am going skiing after all this weekend! i'm excited. but did i mention i've never skied before? i'll worry about that later.

i have also been working on the kathmandu wiki. the link is I put up a few, very roughly written, articles. but i'm hoping we'll eventually have an enormous depository on everything kathmandu. i can only hope it won't be one of my many failed projects. so, if you are reading this, please help the wiki by adding something to it! anything! oh, and while working on the some server files this morning, i somehow ended up mislinking the logo! so please don't mind the blank area on the top left. i am working on fixing it.

ciao, leute! bis morgen!

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