once i got home and downloaded the photos onto my computer, i decided to look through other photos as well. and ended up spending the afternoon looking for the better photos and uploading them to Flickr. i used up my monthly quota pretty quickly. click here to check out my Flickr page.
oh and i almost forgot to mention the thing that's bothering me. this morning my professor announced that we would be having a test next friday. no problem with that, except, hours later i get an email from the exchange office saying we will be leaving for the weekend ski trip on friday at 5 am! o_O just great!! now i've got to work this scheduling conflict out with my professor or i'll be forced to miss out on this huge trip i had been looking forward to. the test is mandatory if i want to pass the course. :( i will talk to my professor, but the german professors are a different breed from the american ones... flexibility is almost unheard of. worth a try though.
i'll end here for today. as for the philosophy discussion i mentioned in yesterday's post, i don't feel like continuing it anymore! hehe
1 comment:
If that's an economics professor, then I hope now you fully understand the value of 'opportunity cost' hehe :)
Those pictures are nice btw. Seems Germany isn't very different from Minnesota :) snow snow snow :)
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