ok so wut have i been up to?.. i. umm.. got a JOB! yay! :D.. well.. it's only for a few months but anyway, it's cool havin ur own money to spend on wut u like! and the job entails teachin the SAT, TOEFL etc. so it's not too difficult either.
in other news, i'm done with all college applications (unless of course, i decide to apply to more later on!). so i'm happy abt tht.
and.. umm.. i've been tryin to keep myself busy learnin new softwares. right now i'm using 3D studio max. it's kinda cool actually but difficult to learn by oneself. so wut i do is download tutorial stuff off the internet, use it and then try sth similar on my own. here i used a tutorial to make this football.. the patterns have still not been aligned well though.

i've been playing football too (tht's soccer for u americans!). we played for a little too long this saturday however. my thighs still ache from all tht playing!! oh and after the game, i forgot to pack my boots!! darn. tht pair cost me quite a lot and now it's gone.. ughh. :( i'm really careless! to date, i've lost three pairs of boots out of four tht i've owned since grade 10. the 1st one was a cheap one and wore out in a couple of weeks! the second pair i left behind in a taxi. third pair just ceased to exist one day!! o_O .. (btw can someone tell me wut this smiley means? hehe)
anyway, i'll try and be more regular about postin from now on. though of course, this sounds like an empty promise coz i said tht last time too! hehe.. but i'll really try this time. much will depend on how much free time i've with me though! :)
ok then.. c ya!